Our corporate sustainability and ESG strategy.
Since our founding in 1946, Kelly has embodied the true spirit of corporate sustainability, and we’re committed to the highest standards of corporate citizenship.
Our culture and values are rooted in service, integrity, and taking personal responsibility for our actions, outcomes, and reputation. We consider sustainability to be a guiding principle in strengthening the relationship with our global workforce, suppliers, and customers.
Our sustainability journey.
Through our programs and initiatives, we seek to improve the quality of life of our employees, their families, as well as the communities in which they operate. Our strategy is built upon six key pillars and aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
Kelly is committed to protecting our planet for future generations. We focus on providing safe and sustainable workplaces by mitigating the environmental footprint of our operations, prioritizing energy efficiency, and promoting practices that foster a culture of preservation, conservation, and waste reduction.

Kelly is committed to doing the right thing. We conduct ourselves in a legal, ethical, and trustworthy manner—strictly upholding our regulatory obligations in every country in which we operate and complying with both the letter and spirit of our business policies and values. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions and goals.

Materiality—analysis of our stakeholders’ perception.
Our Corporate Sustainability and ESG strategy is anchored in a formal materiality assessment that analyzes the relevance of stakeholders, the severity of risk, and the impact of ESG issues on our business success. In 2021, we conducted our second materiality assessment with key stakeholders to validate and prioritize significant ESG issues, allowing us to define performance indicators and initiatives within our sustainability strategy and ESG reporting.